5  Asreml-R

5.0.1 Running the model

First we need to load the asreml library:

Loading required package: Matrix

Attaching package: 'Matrix'
The following objects are masked from 'package:tidyr':

    expand, pack, unpack
Online License checked out Wed Mar 27 00:00:27 2024
Loading ASReml-R version 4.2

For running multivariate analyses in ASReml-R, the code is slightly more complex than for the univariate case. This is because ASReml-R allows us to make different assumptions about the way in which traits might be related. We need to explicitly specify a covariance structure with difference covariance functions us(), idh() or corgh() which for example would estimate an unconstrained (co)variance matrix, an identity matrix and a variance and correlation matrix repestively. We can also specify some starting values for the variance matrices. These can be very approximate guestimates or not at all, but having reasonable starting values can help convergence. It is also possible to let the model running without specifying starting values. Finally, we have increased the default maximum number of iterations (maxiter) which can help to achieve convergence for more complicated models. Another way to increase the number of iteration will be to use the update function. Notes that if the LogLik is not stabilized after several iterations, it is good indication of the model require more iteration.

ainv <- ainverse(gryphonped)

modela <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait,
  random = ~ us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv),
  residual = ~ id(units):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:28
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -7108.741           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 2     -5837.803           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 3     -4437.495           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 4     -3459.378           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 5     -2914.034           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 6     -2729.131           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 7     -2684.659           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 8     -2679.838           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 9     -2679.742           1.0   1535   00:00:28
10     -2679.741           1.0   1535   00:00:28
modela <- update(modela)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:28
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2679.741           1.0   1535   00:00:28
 2     -2679.741           1.0   1535   00:00:28

modela has fitted a bivariate model of bwt and tarsus, with the mean for each of the traits as a fixed effect (trait). The additive genetic variance-covariance matrix (\(\textbf{G}\)) is unstructured (us; i.e. all elements are free to vary) and the starting values for \(V_A\) for bwt, \(COV_A\) between bwt and tarsus, and \(V_A\) for tarsus are set to 1, 0.1 and 1, respectively. Similarly, the residual matrix is unstructured and uses the same starting values.

Note that the argument na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include") can be added to the model. In a bivariate model, it will help calculate the covariance between two traits with different missing information NA and so help imbalance phenotypage and save sample size. However, it is important to scale ( mean =0, var =1) the two traits to correctly adjust the model(see Asreml-R manual for more information).

Let’s have a look at the variance components, and notice that there are now seven (co)variance components reported in the table:

                                           component std.error  z.ratio bound
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        3.368397 0.6348307 5.305977     P
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     2.459809 1.0732644 2.291895     P
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus 12.345792 3.0744285 4.015638     P
units:trait!R                               1.000000        NA       NA     F
units:trait!trait_bwt:bwt                   3.849916 0.5200101 7.403541     P
units:trait!trait_tarsus:bwt                3.313282 0.9129234 3.629310     P
units:trait!trait_tarsus:tarsus            17.646432 2.6670380 6.616491     P
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt         0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt      0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus   0
units:trait!R                                0
units:trait!trait_bwt:bwt                    0
units:trait!trait_tarsus:bwt                 0
units:trait!trait_tarsus:tarsus              0

The first three terms are related to the genetic matrix and, in order are \(V_{A,bwt}\), \(COV_A\), \(V_{A, tarsus}\). Below is again a line where the units:traitr!R component equals to 1, which again can be ignored. The final three terms relate to the residual matrix and correspond to \(V_{R,bwt}\), \(COV_R\), \(V_{R,tarsus}\). Based on our quick and dirty check (is z.ratio > 1.96?) all components look to be statistically significant.

We can calculate the genetic correlation as \(COV_A / \sqrt{V_{A,bwt} \cdot V_{A,tarsus}}\). Thus this model gives an estimate of \(r_A\) = 0.38. It is also possible to estimate the residual correlation \(r_{res}\) = 0.4.

Both correlations are distinct in nature. The genetic correlation reflects how much the traits are linked by genetic via polygenic effect or linkage desequilibrium, whereas the residual correlation reflects the environmental correlation or errors measurement correlation.

Although we can calculate this by hand, we can also use vpredict(), which also provides an (approximate) standard error:

vpredict(modela, r_A ~ V2 / sqrt(V1 * V3))
     Estimate        SE
r_A 0.3814436 0.1299759
vpredict(modela, r_res ~ V6 / sqrt(V5 * V7))
       Estimate         SE
r_res 0.4019799 0.08607104

Of course we can also calculate the heritability of bwt and tarsus from this model:

vpredict(modela, h2.bwt ~ V1 / (V1 + V5))
       Estimate         SE
h2.bwt 0.466646 0.07671533
vpredict(modela, h2.tarsus ~ V3 / (V3 + V7))
           Estimate         SE
h2.tarsus 0.4116331 0.09305863

5.0.2 Adding fixed and random effects

Fixed and random effects can be added just as for the univariate case. Given that our full model of bwt from tutorial 1 had sex as a fixed effect as well as birth year and mother as random effects, we could specify a bivariate formulation with the same complexity:

modelb <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ id(units):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:28
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -4672.301           1.0   1533   00:00:28
 2     -4005.616           1.0   1533   00:00:28
 3     -3271.484           1.0   1533   00:00:28  (  1 restrained)
 4     -2761.414           1.0   1533   00:00:28  (  1 restrained)
 5     -2481.355           1.0   1533   00:00:28
 6     -2395.858           1.0   1533   00:00:28
 7     -2381.050           1.0   1533   00:00:28
 8     -2380.251           1.0   1533   00:00:28
 9     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:28
modelb <- update(modelb)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:28
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:28
 2     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:29

Note that we have specified a covariance structure for each random effect and an estimate of the effect of sex on both birth weight and tarsus length.

There will now be thirteen (co)variance components reported after running the code:

                                            component std.error    z.ratio
trait:byear!trait_bwt:bwt                   0.9746385 0.2825727  3.4491602
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:bwt                0.1624076 0.4185079  0.3880635
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:tarsus             3.7383721 1.2065992  3.0982716
trait:mother!trait_bwt:bwt                  1.1445184 0.2302182  4.9714512
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:bwt              -1.5567306 0.4051848 -3.8420260
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:tarsus            4.8206132 1.3201300  3.6516202
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        1.9893546 0.4410246  4.5107569
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     3.3170404 0.9032323  3.6724110
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus 10.2294887 2.8077066  3.6433610
units:trait!R                               1.0000000        NA         NA
units:trait!trait_bwt:bwt                   1.8443110 0.3443178  5.3564203
units:trait!trait_tarsus:bwt                4.0142841 0.7412540  5.4155308
units:trait!trait_tarsus:tarsus            12.4845955 2.2893363  5.4533690
                                           bound %ch
trait:byear!trait_bwt:bwt                      P   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:bwt                   P   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:tarsus                P   0
trait:mother!trait_bwt:bwt                     P   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:bwt                  P   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:tarsus               P   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt           P   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt        P   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus     P   0
units:trait!R                                  F   0
units:trait!trait_bwt:bwt                      P   0
units:trait!trait_tarsus:bwt                   P   0
units:trait!trait_tarsus:tarsus                P   0

we can estimate the different correlations using vpredict:

vpredict(modelb, r_byear ~ V2 / sqrt(V1 * V3))
          Estimate        SE
r_byear 0.08508312 0.2134209
vpredict(modelb, r_M ~ V5 / sqrt(V4 * V6))
      Estimate        SE
r_M -0.6627518 0.2487963
vpredict(modelb, r_A ~ V8 / sqrt(V7 * V9))
     Estimate        SE
r_A 0.7353053 0.1094747
vpredict(modelb, r_res ~ V12 / sqrt(V11 * V13))
       Estimate         SE
r_res 0.8365729 0.07366762

Now we can look at the fixed effects parameters and assess their significance with a conditional Wald F-test:

summary(modelb, coef = TRUE)$coef.fi
                            solution std error    z.ratio
trait_bwt                  6.3844483 0.2328210 27.4221324
trait_tarsus              20.5936436 0.5098944 40.3880569
at(trait, 'bwt'):sex_1     0.0000000        NA         NA
at(trait, 'bwt'):sex_2     1.9502053 0.1480467 13.1729086
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex_1  0.0000000        NA         NA
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex_2 -0.0684413 0.3823448 -0.1790041
wald.asreml(modelb, denDF = "default", ssType = "conditional")$Wald
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:29
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:29
 2     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:29
Wald tests for fixed effects.[0m
[0;34mResponse: cbind(bwt, tarsus)[0m

                        Df denDF   F.inc   F.con Margin      Pr
trait                    2  52.6 1396.00 1396.00        0.00000
at(trait, 'bwt'):sex     1 812.8  298.40  173.50      B 0.00000
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex  1 747.9    0.03    0.03      B 0.85798

Note that it is possible to specify a fixed effect to a specific trait by adding the number of order within cbind inside the argument at(trait,x). For example, here we apply the fixed effect sex only to the response variable tarsus.

modelb_2 <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait, 2):sex,
  random = ~ us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ id(units):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:29
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -4810.563           1.0   1534   00:00:29
 2     -4129.799           1.0   1534   00:00:29
 3     -3382.529           1.0   1534   00:00:29  (  1 restrained)
 4     -2864.076           1.0   1534   00:00:29
 5     -2574.891           1.0   1534   00:00:29
 6     -2478.879           1.0   1534   00:00:29
 7     -2458.305           1.0   1534   00:00:29
 8     -2456.425           1.0   1534   00:00:29
 9     -2456.377           1.0   1534   00:00:29
10     -2456.376           1.0   1534   00:00:29
summary(modelb_2, coef = TRUE)$coef.fi
                           solution std error   z.ratio
trait_bwt                  7.636226 0.2389515  31.95722
trait_tarsus              22.703658 0.4827348  47.03133
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex_1  0.000000        NA        NA
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex_2 -3.267042 0.2953279 -11.06242
wald.asreml(modelb_2, denDF = "default", ssType = "conditional")$Wald
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:30
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2456.376           1.0   1534   00:00:30
 2     -2456.376           1.0   1534   00:00:30
Wald tests for fixed effects.[0m
[0;34mResponse: cbind(bwt, tarsus)[0m

                        Df denDF  F.inc  F.con Margin Pr
trait                    2  50.7 1233.0 1233.0         0
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex  1 522.9  122.4  122.4      B  0

5.0.3 Significance testing

Under the model above \(r_M\) is estimated as -0.66 and the z.ratio associated with the corresponding covariance (\(COV_M\)) is >2 (in absolute terms). We might therefore infer that there is evidence for a strong negative correlation between the traits with respect to the mother and that while maternal identity explains variance in both traits those mothers that tend to produce heavier offspring actually tend to produce offspring with shorter tarsus lengths.

To formally test if \(COV_M\) is significantly different from zero, we can compare the log-likelihood for this model:

[1] -2380.246

to a model in which we specify that \(COV_M\)=0. Since this constraint reduces the number of parameters to be estimated by one, we can use a likelihood ratio test (LRT) with one degree of freedom. To run the constrained model, we modify the G structure defined for the mother random effect to diagonal (diag), which means we only estimate the variances (the diagonal of the matrix) but not the covariance (the covariance are fixed to 0):

modelc <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    diag(trait, init = c(1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ id(units):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:30
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -4677.820           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 2     -4010.442           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 3     -3275.409           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 4     -2763.519           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 5     -2483.732           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 6     -2400.242           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 7     -2386.663           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 8     -2386.049           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 9     -2386.045           1.0   1533   00:00:30

You can run summary(modelc)$varcomp to confirm this worked. We can now obtain the log-likelihood of this model and compare this to that of modelb using a likelihood ratio test:

[1] -2386.045

We can see that the model log-likelihood is now -2386.05. And comparing the models using a likelihood ratio test:

2 * (modelb$loglik - modelc$loglik)
[1] 11.59835

So our chi-square test statistic is \(\chi^2_1\)= 11.6. The p-value that goes with this is obtained by:

1 - pchisq(2 * (modelb$loglik - modelc$loglik), 1)
[1] 0.0006601037

We would therefore conclude that the maternal covariance is significantly different from zero.

We could apply the same procedure to show that the residual (environmental) covariance and the genetic covariance estimates are significantly greater than zero (i.e., heavier individuals tend to have longer tarsus lengths). In contrast, we should find that the byear covariance between the two traits is non-significant.

modeld <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    diag(trait, init = c(1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ id(units):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:30
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -4672.708           1.0   1533   00:00:30
 2     -4005.954           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 3     -3271.738           1.0   1533   00:00:31  (  1 restrained)
 4     -2761.626           1.0   1533   00:00:31  (  1 restrained)
 5     -2481.647           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 6     -2395.992           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 7     -2381.136           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 8     -2380.331           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 9     -2380.326           1.0   1533   00:00:31
2 * (modelb$loglik - modeld$loglik)
[1] 0.1600641
1 - pchisq(2 * (modelb$loglik - modeld$loglik), 1)
[1] 0.6890975

5.0.4 Estimate directly the genetic correlation within the model

Within Asreml-r, different matrix structure can be specify such as us,corg, diag, etc (cf see the Asreml-r guide). Instead of the fitting an unstructured matrix with the argument us or a reduced model with no covariance with the argument diag, we can also directly estimate the genetic correlation between the bwt and tarsus with corgh.

Here we decide to estimate directly the additive genetic correlation.

modele <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ corgh(trait, init = c(0.1, 1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ id(units):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:31
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -4672.301           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 2     -4003.183           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 3     -3266.521           1.0   1533   00:00:31  (  1 restrained)
 4     -2757.188           1.0   1533   00:00:31  (  1 restrained)
 5     -2479.291           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 6     -2395.476           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 7     -2381.026           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 8     -2380.251           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 9     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:31
modele <- update(modele)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:31
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 2     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:31
                                                    component std.error
trait:byear!trait_bwt:bwt                           0.9746386 0.2825728
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:bwt                        0.1624071 0.4185082
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:tarsus                     3.7383734 1.2066018
trait:mother!trait_bwt:bwt                          1.1445186 0.2302183
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:bwt                      -1.5567316 0.4051850
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:tarsus                    4.8206154 1.3201324
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait!tarsus:!trait!bwt.cor  0.7353061 0.1094807
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt                    1.9893543 0.4410243
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus                10.2294850 2.8077055
units:trait!R                                       1.0000000        NA
units:trait!trait_bwt:bwt                           1.8443112 0.3443178
units:trait!trait_tarsus:bwt                        4.0142825 0.7412540
units:trait!trait_tarsus:tarsus                    12.4845977 2.2893355
                                                     z.ratio bound %ch
trait:byear!trait_bwt:bwt                           3.449159     P   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:bwt                        0.388062     P   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:tarsus                     3.098266     P   0
trait:mother!trait_bwt:bwt                          4.971450     P   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:bwt                      -3.842027     P   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:tarsus                    3.651615     P   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait!tarsus:!trait!bwt.cor  6.716310     U   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt                    4.510758     P   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus                 3.643361     P   0
units:trait!R                                             NA     F   0
units:trait!trait_bwt:bwt                           5.356422     P   0
units:trait!trait_tarsus:bwt                        5.415529     P   0
units:trait!trait_tarsus:tarsus                     5.453372     P   0

It is important to note that using corgh change the order of the estimate (co)variance/correlation. Thus, the initial values need to be reorder and all different calculation need to be adjust in consequence. It is also important to check the difference between the model with us and corgh to make sure any mistake are made.

[1] -2380.246
[1] -2380.246

There two main advantages to use corgh: first, a direct estimation of correlation within the G matrix can avoid mistake in the vpredict calculation; second, it is possible to test if the correlation is significantly different than 0 (similar result as LRT with the covariance) but also to -1 and 1 which correspond of the correlation boundaries. The following code showed how to create a reduced model with the correlation close to 1 and compared to the initial model. Since we compared the correlation to its boundary, the degree of freedom is only half as a one tail LTR.

MODEL_MODIF <- update.asreml(modele, start.values = T)
G_MOD <- MODEL_MODIF$vparameters.table[(1:9), ]
G_MOD[1, 2] <- 0.99999
G_MOD[1, 3] <- "F"
modele.red <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ corgh(trait, init = c(0.1, 1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ id(units):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20,
  G.param = G_MOD
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:31
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2545.233           1.0   1533   00:00:31
 2     -2483.883           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 3     -2423.504           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 4     -2392.509           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 5     -2383.661           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 6     -2383.084           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 7     -2383.033           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 8     -2383.022           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 9     -2383.019           1.0   1533   00:00:32
10     -2383.019           1.0   1533   00:00:32
2 * (modele$loglik - modele.red$loglik)
[1] 5.544679
1 - pchisq(2 * (modele$loglik - modele.red$loglik), df = 0.5)
[1] 0.006598676

Here, the correlation is significantly different than 1 (~0.99999).

5.0.5 Visualisation of the correlation (aka BLUP extraction)

When estimating correlation between traits, having a visualization of it can help the interpretation. In addition, visualizing the correlation can spot outliers in the dataset. Thanks to mixed model, each breeding values is stored within the model and can be extract as BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Predictor).BLUP should be normaly distributed, if not you need to check the assumption of your animal model.

To simplify the following code, we rename the variable T1 and T2.

gryphon$T1 <- gryphon$bwt
gryphon$T2 <- gryphon$tarsus
modele <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(T1, T2) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ corgh(trait, init = c(0.1, 1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ id(units):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:32
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -4672.301           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 2     -4003.183           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 3     -3266.521           1.0   1533   00:00:32  (  1 restrained)
 4     -2757.188           1.0   1533   00:00:32  (  1 restrained)
 5     -2479.291           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 6     -2395.476           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 7     -2381.026           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 8     -2380.251           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 9     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:32
modele <- update(modele)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:32
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:32
 2     -2380.246           1.0   1533   00:00:32
                                               component std.error   z.ratio
trait:byear!trait_T1:T1                        0.9746386 0.2825728  3.449159
trait:byear!trait_T2:T1                        0.1624071 0.4185082  0.388062
trait:byear!trait_T2:T2                        3.7383734 1.2066018  3.098266
trait:mother!trait_T1:T1                       1.1445186 0.2302183  4.971450
trait:mother!trait_T2:T1                      -1.5567316 0.4051850 -3.842027
trait:mother!trait_T2:T2                       4.8206154 1.3201324  3.651615
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait!T2:!trait!T1.cor  0.7353061 0.1094807  6.716310
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_T1                1.9893543 0.4410243  4.510758
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_T2               10.2294850 2.8077055  3.643361
units:trait!R                                  1.0000000        NA        NA
units:trait!trait_T1:T1                        1.8443112 0.3443178  5.356422
units:trait!trait_T2:T1                        4.0142825 0.7412540  5.415529
units:trait!trait_T2:T2                       12.4845977 2.2893355  5.453372
                                              bound %ch
trait:byear!trait_T1:T1                           P   0
trait:byear!trait_T2:T1                           P   0
trait:byear!trait_T2:T2                           P   0
trait:mother!trait_T1:T1                          P   0
trait:mother!trait_T2:T1                          P   0
trait:mother!trait_T2:T2                          P   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait!T2:!trait!T1.cor     U   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_T1                   P   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_T2                   P   0
units:trait!R                                     F   0
units:trait!trait_T1:T1                           P   0
units:trait!trait_T2:T1                           P   0
units:trait!trait_T2:T2                           P   0
DvsS <- data.frame(
  Trait = rownames(modele$coefficients$random),
  BLUP = modele$coefficients$random,
  SE = sqrt(modele$vcoeff$random * modele$sigma2)
DvsS$ID <- substr(DvsS$Trait, 27, 30)
DvsS$TRAIT <- substr(DvsS$Trait, 7, 8)
DvsS <- DvsS[927:3544, ] # keep only row associated to animal
summary(factor(DvsS$TRAIT)) # 1309 each
  T1   T2 
 846 1772 
DvsS$Trait <- NULL
colnames(DvsS)[1] <- "BLUP"
BLUPS <- reshape(DvsS, v.names = c("BLUP", "SE"), idvar = "ID", timevar = "TRAIT", direction = "wide")
Warning in reshapeWide(data, idvar = idvar, timevar = timevar, varying =
varying, : multiple rows match for TRAIT=T1: first taken
Warning in reshapeWide(data, idvar = idvar, timevar = timevar, varying =
varying, : multiple rows match for TRAIT=T2: first taken
[1] 1310
rownames(BLUPS) <- c()
colnames(BLUPS) <- c("ID", "BLUP.btw", "SE.btw", "BLUP.tarsus", "SE.tarsus")
      ID               BLUP.btw           SE.btw        BLUP.tarsus      
 Length:1310        Min.   :-2.3778   Min.   :0.7494   Min.   :-6.34104  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:-0.5797   1st Qu.:0.9993   1st Qu.:-1.14403  
 Mode  :character   Median : 0.0350   Median :1.0223   Median :-0.02524  
                    Mean   :-0.0082   Mean   :1.0640   Mean   : 0.02189  
                    3rd Qu.: 0.5911   3rd Qu.:1.0552   3rd Qu.: 1.17735  
                    Max.   : 3.0123   Max.   :1.4377   Max.   : 6.71502  
                    NA's   :926       NA's   :926                        
 Min.   :1.616  
 1st Qu.:2.371  
 Median :2.451  
 Mean   :2.576  
 3rd Qu.:2.810  
 Max.   :3.287  
# write.csv(BLUPS,file="BLUPS_6x6.csv",row.names=F)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


Here, some simple code to plot the genetic correlation.

plot(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, BLUPS, xlab = "", ylab = "", las = 1.2, bty = "o", col = "white")
arrows(x0 = BLUPS$BLUP.btw, y0 = BLUPS$BLUP.tarsus - BLUPS$SE.tarsus, x1 = BLUPS$BLUP.btw, y1 = BLUPS$BLUP.tarsus + BLUPS$SE.tarsus, col = "black", code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0)
arrows(x0 = BLUPS$BLUP.btw - BLUPS$SE.btw, y0 = BLUPS$BLUP.tarsus, x1 = BLUPS$BLUP.btw + BLUPS$SE.btw, y1 = BLUPS$BLUP.tarsus, col = "black", code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0)
points(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, BLUPS, pch = 16, col = "red", cex = 1.5)
points(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, BLUPS, pch = 1, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.3), cex = c(1.5))
mtext("btw (BV±SE)", side = 1, line = 2.4)
mtext("tarsus (BV±SE)", side = 2, line = 2, las = 3)
mtext(expression(paste(italic(r)[A], " = 0.7353065 ±  0.1094838")), side = 1, line = -1, adj = 0.95, cex = 0.9)

5.0.6 Partitionning (co)variance between groups

Similar to the univariate model, it is possible to partition the variance and also the covariance between different groups within the dataset. Here, we can estimate sex-specific genetic correlation. Note, to partition a correlation, it is require to have important sample size within each group. For this example, we simplify the model !

gryphon <- gryphon[order(gryphon$sex), ]
model_sex <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ at(sex):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ dsum(~ id(units):us(trait) | sex),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:33
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2522.729           1.0   1807   00:00:33  (  1 restrained)
 2     -2459.512           1.0   1807   00:00:33  (  3 restrained)
 3     -2408.940           1.0   1807   00:00:33
 4     -2392.691           1.0   1807   00:00:33
 5     -2388.962           1.0   1807   00:00:33
 6     -2388.743           1.0   1807   00:00:33
 7     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:34
 8     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:34
Warning in asreml(fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex, random =
~at(sex):us(trait, : Warning : US updates modified 1 times in iteration 2 to
remain positive definite.
model_sex <- update(model_sex)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:34
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:34
 2     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:34
                                                         component std.error
trait:byear!trait_bwt:bwt                                0.9858478 0.2863878
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:bwt                             0.1525063 0.4334263
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:tarsus                          3.9981983 1.2798747
trait:mother!trait_bwt:bwt                               1.3312734 0.2484444
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:bwt                           -1.6174228 0.4283851
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:tarsus                         4.7542338 1.3546517
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        1.3402853 0.5670773
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     2.3608392 1.1348473
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus  6.0625993 3.1304394
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        1.8645998 0.8888206
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     5.0954811 2.0684729
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus 14.9771870 6.4479787
sex_1!R                                                  1.0000000        NA
sex_1!trait_bwt:bwt                                      2.3079850 0.5015651
sex_1!trait_tarsus:bwt                                   4.4287898 1.0376370
sex_1!trait_tarsus:tarsus                               13.4857819 2.9284922
sex_2!R                                                  1.0000000        NA
sex_2!trait_bwt:bwt                                      1.7956612 0.7549779
sex_2!trait_tarsus:bwt                                   2.6340448 1.7685804
sex_2!trait_tarsus:tarsus                                9.6094528 5.4917853
                                                           z.ratio bound %ch
trait:byear!trait_bwt:bwt                                3.4423530     P   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:bwt                             0.3518622     P   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:tarsus                          3.1238982     P   0
trait:mother!trait_bwt:bwt                               5.3584371     P   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:bwt                           -3.7756279     P   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:tarsus                         3.5095618     P   0
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        2.3634965     P   0
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     2.0803144     P   0
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus  1.9366608     P   0
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        2.0978361     P   0
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     2.4634024     P   0
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus  2.3227724     P   0
sex_1!R                                                         NA     F   0
sex_1!trait_bwt:bwt                                      4.6015657     P   0
sex_1!trait_tarsus:bwt                                   4.2681493     P   0
sex_1!trait_tarsus:tarsus                                4.6050257     P   0
sex_2!R                                                         NA     F   0
sex_2!trait_bwt:bwt                                      2.3784288     P   0
sex_2!trait_tarsus:bwt                                   1.4893554     P   0
sex_2!trait_tarsus:tarsus                                1.7497867     P   0

we can estimate the different correlations using vpredict:

vpredict(model_sex, r_byear ~ V2 / sqrt(V1 * V3))
          Estimate       SE
r_byear 0.07681584 0.213141
vpredict(model_sex, r_M ~ V5 / sqrt(V4 * V6))
      Estimate       SE
r_M -0.6429092 0.248944
vpredict(model_sex, r_A.1 ~ V8 / sqrt(V7 * V9))
       Estimate        SE
r_A.1 0.8282059 0.1723596
vpredict(model_sex, r_A.2 ~ V11 / sqrt(V10 * V12))
       Estimate        SE
r_A.2 0.9642225 0.1241668
vpredict(model_sex, r_res.1 ~ V15 / sqrt(V14 * V16))
         Estimate         SE
r_res.1 0.7938355 0.07892634
vpredict(model_sex, r_res.2 ~ V19 / sqrt(V18 * V20))
         Estimate        SE
r_res.2 0.6341057 0.1894837

and the heritability too:

vpredict(model_sex, h2.bwt.1 ~ V7 / (V1 + V4 + V7 + V14))
          Estimate         SE
h2.bwt.1 0.2246768 0.09176827
vpredict(model_sex, h2.bwt.2 ~ V10 / (V1 + V4 + V10 + V18))
          Estimate        SE
h2.bwt.2 0.3119425 0.1442547
vpredict(model_sex, h2.tarsus.1 ~ V9 / (V3 + V6 + V9 + V16))
            Estimate        SE
h2.tarsus.1  0.21422 0.1070464
vpredict(model_sex, h2.tarsus.2 ~ V12 / (V3 + V6 + V12 + V20))
             Estimate        SE
h2.tarsus.2 0.4492383 0.1833858

Now we can look at the fixed effects parameters and assess their significance with a conditional Wald F-test:

summary(model_sex, coef = TRUE)$coef.fi
                            solution std error    z.ratio
trait_bwt                  6.3779149 0.2311766 27.5889321
trait_tarsus              20.5838787 0.4942649 41.6454395
at(trait, 'bwt'):sex_1     0.0000000        NA         NA
at(trait, 'bwt'):sex_2     1.9393688 0.1903239 10.1898321
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex_1  0.0000000        NA         NA
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex_2 -0.0554799 0.4758708 -0.1165861
wald.asreml(model_sex, denDF = "default", ssType = "conditional")$Wald
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:34
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:34
 2     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:34
Wald tests for fixed effects.[0m
[0;34mResponse: cbind(bwt, tarsus)[0m

                        Df denDF   F.inc   F.con Margin      Pr
trait                    2  44.8 1522.00 1522.00        0.00000
at(trait, 'bwt'):sex     1 137.5  220.90  103.80      B 0.00000
at(trait, 'tarsus'):sex  1 138.6    0.01    0.01      B 0.90737

To assess the significant of the covariance, a LTR test can be done with a reduced model where a specific covariance can be fixed to 0 (for example the female covariance, following code).

model_modif <- update.asreml(model_sex, start.values = T)
G <- model_modif$vparameters[(1:12), ]
G$Constraint[(2)] <- "F"
G$Value[(2)] <- 0
reduc.model_sex <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ at(sex):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ dsum(~ id(units):us(trait) | sex),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20,
  G.param = G
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:35
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2474.972           1.0   1807   00:00:35  (  3 restrained)
 2     -2406.283           1.0   1807   00:00:35
 3     -2394.010           1.0   1807   00:00:35
 4     -2391.718           1.0   1807   00:00:35
 5     -2391.480           1.0   1807   00:00:35
 6     -2391.477           1.0   1807   00:00:35
Warning in asreml(fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex, random =
~at(sex):us(trait, : Warning : US updates modified 1 times in iteration 1 to
remain positive definite.
reduc.model_sex <- update(reduc.model_sex)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:35
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2391.476           1.0   1807   00:00:36
 2     -2391.476           1.0   1807   00:00:36
                                                         component std.error
trait:byear!trait_bwt:bwt                                0.9794331 0.2848997
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:bwt                             0.1428995 0.4322719
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:tarsus                          4.0021595 1.2818624
trait:mother!trait_bwt:bwt                               1.4956509 0.2568074
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:bwt                           -1.2460057 0.4438357
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:tarsus                         5.3945609 1.4035705
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        0.5265716 0.3579555
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     0.0000000        NA
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus  1.4223969 1.9103795
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        1.5835813 0.8671365
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     4.4288714 2.0173971
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus 12.9349047 6.2946996
sex_1!R                                                  1.0000000        NA
sex_1!trait_bwt:bwt                                      2.9539767 0.4196755
sex_1!trait_tarsus:bwt                                   6.3138301 0.6802598
sex_1!trait_tarsus:tarsus                               17.3577089 2.4730547
sex_2!R                                                  1.0000000        NA
sex_2!trait_bwt:bwt                                      1.9341439 0.7416691
sex_2!trait_tarsus:bwt                                   2.9467290 1.7370018
sex_2!trait_tarsus:tarsus                               10.7245912 5.4025888
                                                           z.ratio bound %ch
trait:byear!trait_bwt:bwt                                3.4378175     P   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:bwt                             0.3305778     P   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus:tarsus                          3.1221444     P   0
trait:mother!trait_bwt:bwt                               5.8240170     P   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:bwt                           -2.8073580     P   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus:tarsus                         3.8434556     P   0
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        1.4710530     P   0
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt            NA     F  NA
at(sex, '1'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus  0.7445625     P   0
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_bwt:bwt        1.8262193     P   0
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:bwt     2.1953395     P   0
at(sex, '2'):trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus:tarsus  2.0548883     P   0
sex_1!R                                                         NA     F   0
sex_1!trait_bwt:bwt                                      7.0387165     P   0
sex_1!trait_tarsus:bwt                                   9.2814981     P   0
sex_1!trait_tarsus:tarsus                                7.0187323     P   0
sex_2!R                                                         NA     F   0
sex_2!trait_bwt:bwt                                      2.6078261     P   0
sex_2!trait_tarsus:bwt                                   1.6964455     P   0
sex_2!trait_tarsus:tarsus                                1.9850837     P   0
2 * (model_sex$loglik - reduc.model_sex$loglik)
[1] 5.481033
1 - pchisq(2 * (model_sex$loglik - reduc.model_sex$loglik), df = 1)
[1] 0.0192239

In addition, it is also possible to test the sexesif sexes has significant differences with another reduced model where both covariance are fixed to their average values.

# code provided as an example for the moment since the model cannot run on this data
model_modif <- update.asreml(model_sex, start.values = T)
G <- model_modif$vparameters[(1:12), ]
G$fac <- factor(
    1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 6, # Additive genetic matrix  2 =5
    7, 8, 9, # byear  matrix
    10, 11, 12 # mother matrix
Modif <- vcm.lm(~fac, data = G)
attr(Modif, "assign") <- NULL
attr(Modif, "contrasts") <- NULL
reduc.model_sex_2 <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(bwt, tarsus) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ at(sex):us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ dsum(~ id(units):us(trait) | sex),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20,
  G.param = G, vcm = Modif
reduc.model_sex_2 <- update(reduc.model_sex_2)

2 * (model_sex$loglik - reduc.model_sex_2$loglik)
1 - pchisq(2 * (model_sex$loglik - reduc.model_sex_2$loglik), df = 2)

Here a plot to visualize the overlaps of covariances.

genetic.correlation.F <- vpredict(model_sex, r_A.1 ~ V8 / sqrt(V7 * V9))
genetic.correlation.M <- vpredict(model_sex, r_A.2 ~ V11 / sqrt(V10 * V12))
residual.correlation.F <- vpredict(model_sex, r_res.1 ~ V15 / sqrt(V14 * V16))
residual.correlation.M <- vpredict(model_sex, r_res.2 ~ V19 / sqrt(V18 * V20))
cor.est <- rbind(genetic.correlation.F, genetic.correlation.M, residual.correlation.F, residual.correlation.M)

plot(c(0.95, 1.05, 1.95, 2.05) ~ cor.est[, 1], xlim = c(0, 1.5), ylim = c(0.5, 2.5), xlab = "", ylab = "", col = c("red", "blue"), pch = c(16, 17), cex = 2, yaxt = "n")
arrows(y0 = 0.95, x0 = cor.est[1, 1] - cor.est[1, 2], y1 = 0.95, x1 = cor.est[1, 1] + cor.est[1, 2], code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0, col = c("red"), lwd = 2)
arrows(y0 = 1.05, x0 = cor.est[2, 1] - cor.est[2, 2], y1 = 1.05, x1 = cor.est[2, 1] + cor.est[2, 2], code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0, col = c("blue"), lwd = 2)
arrows(y0 = 1.95, x0 = cor.est[3, 1] - cor.est[3, 2], y1 = 1.95, x1 = cor.est[3, 1] + cor.est[3, 2], code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0, col = c("red"), lwd = 2)
arrows(y0 = 2.05, x0 = cor.est[4, 1] - cor.est[4, 2], y1 = 2.05, x1 = cor.est[4, 1] + cor.est[4, 2], code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0, col = c("blue"), lwd = 2)
mtext("Correlation (±CI)", side = 1, las = 1, adj = 0.4, line = 3, cex = 1.6)
axis(2, at = 1, labels = c("genetic"), las = 3, cex.axis = 1.6)
axis(2, at = 2, labels = c("residual"), las = 3, cex.axis = 1.6)

By using corgh, we can extract the BLUPs and plot the sex-specific correlation.

gryphon$T1 <- gryphon$bwt
gryphon$T2 <- gryphon$tarsus
model_sex <- asreml(
  fixed = cbind(T1, T2) ~ trait + at(trait):sex,
  random = ~ at(sex):corgh(trait, init = c(0.1, 1, 1)):vm(animal, ainv) +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):byear +
    us(trait, init = c(1, 0.1, 1)):mother,
  residual = ~ dsum(~ id(units):us(trait) | sex),
  data = gryphon,
  na.action = na.method(x = "include", y = "include"),
  maxit = 20
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:36
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2522.729           1.0   1807   00:00:36  (  2 restrained)
 2     -2457.755           1.0   1807   00:00:36  (  2 restrained)
 3     -2407.462           1.0   1807   00:00:36  (  2 restrained)
 4     -2394.143           1.0   1807   00:00:36  (  1 restrained)
 5     -2389.368           1.0   1807   00:00:36
 6     -2388.741           1.0   1807   00:00:36
 7     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:36
model_sex <- update(model_sex)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:37
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:37
 2     -2388.736           1.0   1807   00:00:37
DvsS <- data.frame(
  Trait = rownames(model_sex$coefficients$random),
  BLUP = model_sex$coefficients$random,
  SE = sqrt(model_sex$vcoeff$random * model_sex$sigma2)
) %>%
  filter(grepl("at\\(sex", Trait)) %>%
    ID = substr(Trait, 40, 44),
    TRAIT = substr(Trait, 20, 21),
    SEX = substr(Trait, 10, 10)
  ) %>%
    BLUP = "effect"
  ) %>%
summary(factor(DvsS$TRAIT)) # 1309 each
  T1   T2 
2618 2618 

BLUPS <- reshape(DvsS, v.names = c("BLUP", "SE"), idvar = c("ID", "SEX"), timevar = "TRAIT", direction = "wide")
[1] 2618
rownames(BLUPS) <- c()
colnames(BLUPS) <- c("ID", "SEX", "BLUP.btw", "SE.btw", "BLUP.tarsus", "SE.tarsus")
      ID                SEX               BLUP.btw             SE.btw      
 Length:2618        Length:2618        Min.   :-2.669649   Min.   :0.8383  
 Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:-0.281979   1st Qu.:0.9366  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median : 0.000000   Median :1.1001  
                                       Mean   : 0.009574   Mean   :1.0913  
                                       3rd Qu.: 0.295795   3rd Qu.:1.1780  
                                       Max.   : 2.895393   Max.   :1.4276  
  BLUP.tarsus         SE.tarsus    
 Min.   :-7.81574   Min.   :1.829  
 1st Qu.:-0.64388   1st Qu.:2.342  
 Median : 0.00000   Median :2.462  
 Mean   : 0.03319   Mean   :2.728  
 3rd Qu.: 0.74473   3rd Qu.:3.329  
 Max.   : 8.77778   Max.   :4.038  
# write.csv(BLUPS,file="BLUPS_6x6_SEX.csv",row.names=F)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

Here, some simple codes to plot the genetic correlation.

FEM <- subset(BLUPS, SEX == "1")
MAL <- subset(BLUPS, SEX == "2")
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, FEM, xlab = "", ylab = "", las = 1.2, bty = "o", col = "white")
arrows(x0 = FEM$BLUP.btw, y0 = FEM$BLUP.tarsus - FEM$SE.tarsus, x1 = FEM$BLUP.btw, y1 = FEM$BLUP.tarsus + FEM$SE.tarsus, col = "black", code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0)
arrows(x0 = FEM$BLUP.btw - FEM$SE.btw, y0 = FEM$BLUP.tarsus, x1 = FEM$BLUP.btw + FEM$SE.btw, y1 = FEM$BLUP.tarsus, col = "black", code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0)
points(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, FEM, pch = 16, col = "red", cex = 1.5)
points(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, FEM, pch = 1, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.3), cex = c(1.5))
mtext("btw (BV±SE)", side = 1, line = 2.4)
mtext("tarsus (BV±SE)", side = 2, line = 2, las = 3)
plot(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, MAL, xlab = "", ylab = "", las = 1.2, bty = "o", col = "white")
arrows(x0 = MAL$BLUP.btw, y0 = MAL$BLUP.tarsus - MAL$SE.tarsus, x1 = MAL$BLUP.btw, y1 = MAL$BLUP.tarsus + MAL$SE.tarsus, col = "black", code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0)
arrows(x0 = MAL$BLUP.btw - MAL$SE.btw, y0 = MAL$BLUP.tarsus, x1 = MAL$BLUP.btw + MAL$SE.btw, y1 = MAL$BLUP.tarsus, col = "black", code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0)
points(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, MAL, pch = 16, col = "blue", cex = 1.5)
points(BLUP.tarsus ~ BLUP.btw, MAL, pch = 1, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.3), cex = c(1.5))
mtext("btw (BV±SE)", side = 1, line = 2.4)
mtext("tarsus (BV±SE)", side = 2, line = 2, las = 3)

5.0.7 Between groups (co)variances and the B-matrix

Animal models are amazing model. With different group within a population, it is also possible to estimate how much the different groups shared the same genetic via the cross-group genetic covariance. This covariance is essential to understand ontogenic or sexual conflict, which can constraint or enhanced response to evolution. As an example, we estimate the cross-sex genetic correlation r_{fm}

First, we need to dissociate the trait values for females and males into distinct variables. Then, we use a bivariate model (for one trait: tarsus) and a multivariate model (for various traits: tarsus and bwt). With a multivariate model, the cross-sex-cross trait covariance matrixis also named B matrix.

The coding is a bit complex but pretty straightforward. It is important to modify the covariance matrix at the residual level to avoid the calculation of a cross-sex residual covariance (no individual switched sex during the experiment).

gryphon$bwt.1 <- NA
gryphon$tarsus.1 <- NA
animal <- gryphon[gryphon$sex == "1", ]$animal
for (i in unique(animal)) {
  gryphon$bwt.1[which(gryphon$animal == i)] <- gryphon$bwt[which(gryphon$animal == i)]
  gryphon$tarsus.1[which(gryphon$animal == i)] <- gryphon$tarsus[which(gryphon$animal == i)]
gryphon$bwt.2 <- NA
gryphon$tarsus.2 <- NA
animal <- gryphon[gryphon$sex == "2", ]$animal
for (i in unique(animal)) {
  gryphon$bwt.2[which(gryphon$animal == i)] <- gryphon$bwt[which(gryphon$animal == i)]
  gryphon$tarsus.2[which(gryphon$animal == i)] <- gryphon$tarsus[which(gryphon$animal == i)]

temp <- asreml(cbind(tarsus.1, tarsus.2) ~ trait,
  random = ~ us(trait):vm(animal, ainv) +
    diag(trait):byear + diag(trait):mother,
  residual = ~ units:us(trait),
  data = gryphon, na.action = na.method(y = "include", x = "include"), maxiter = 20,
  start.values = T
G <- temp$vparameters[(1:7), ]
R <- temp$vparameters[-(1:7), ]
G$Constraint <- "U"
R$Value[3] <- 0
R$Constraint[3] <- "F"
model.BiV_Sex <- asreml(cbind(tarsus.1, tarsus.2) ~ trait,
  random = ~ us(trait):vm(animal, ainv) +
    diag(trait):byear + diag(trait):mother,
  residual = ~ units:us(trait),
  data = gryphon, na.action = na.method(y = "include", x = "include"), maxiter = 20,
  G.param = G, R.param = R
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:38
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -1494.807           1.0    681   00:00:38  (  1 restrained)
 2     -1484.793           1.0    681   00:00:38  (  1 restrained)
 3     -1475.726           1.0    681   00:00:38  (  1 restrained)
 4     -1471.905           1.0    681   00:00:38  (  1 restrained)
 5     -1470.716           1.0    681   00:00:38
 6     -1468.154           1.0    681   00:00:38
 7     -1467.969           1.0    681   00:00:38
 8     -1467.967           1.0    681   00:00:38
model.BiV_Sex <- update.asreml(model.BiV_Sex)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:38
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -1467.967           1.0    681   00:00:38
 2     -1467.967           1.0    681   00:00:38
                                               component std.error   z.ratio
trait:byear!trait_tarsus.1                      3.280319  1.532909 2.1399299
trait:byear!trait_tarsus.2                      4.743134  1.891252 2.5079332
trait:mother!trait_tarsus.1                     1.875132  2.424092 0.7735398
trait:mother!trait_tarsus.2                     4.314158  2.785254 1.5489283
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.1:tarsus.1  6.582654  3.636467 1.8101781
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.2:tarsus.1  8.396245  3.278591 2.5609306
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.2:tarsus.2 12.898424  8.038362 1.6046084
units:trait!R                                   1.000000        NA        NA
units:trait!trait_tarsus.1:tarsus.1            14.872757  3.637545 4.0886803
units:trait!trait_tarsus.2:tarsus.1             0.000000        NA        NA
units:trait!trait_tarsus.2:tarsus.2            10.760849  6.294585 1.7095406
                                               bound %ch
trait:byear!trait_tarsus.1                         U   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus.2                         U   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus.1                        U   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus.2                        U   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.1:tarsus.1     U   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.2:tarsus.1     U   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.2:tarsus.2     U   0
units:trait!R                                      F   0
units:trait!trait_tarsus.1:tarsus.1                P   0
units:trait!trait_tarsus.2:tarsus.1                F  NA
units:trait!trait_tarsus.2:tarsus.2                P   0

The cross-sex genetic correlation can estimate form the output of the model. For tarsus length at fledging, sexes shared a lot of genetic variance which is commun for a trait with low sexual dimorphism. If the selection is antagonistic between males and females, sexes can not evolve freely form the other sexes and a sexual conflict appears.

vpredict(model.BiV_Sex, r_fm ~ V6 / sqrt(V5 * V7))
      Estimate        SE
r_fm 0.9112054 0.4229764

We can estimate directly the correlation and plot the cross-sex genetic correlation

temp <- asreml(cbind(tarsus.1, tarsus.2) ~ trait,
  random = ~ corgh(trait):vm(animal, ainv) +
    diag(trait):byear + diag(trait):mother,
  residual = ~ units:corgh(trait),
  data = gryphon, na.action = na.method(y = "include", x = "include"), maxiter = 20,
  start.values = T
G <- temp$vparameters[(1:7), ]
R <- temp$vparameters[-(1:7), ]
G$Constraint <- "U"
R$Value[2] <- 0
R$Constraint[2] <- "F"
model.BiV_Sex <- asreml(cbind(tarsus.1, tarsus.2) ~ trait,
  random = ~ corgh(trait):vm(animal, ainv) +
    diag(trait):byear + diag(trait):mother,
  residual = ~ units:corgh(trait),
  data = gryphon, na.action = na.method(y = "include", x = "include"), maxiter = 20,
  G.param = G, R.param = R
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:39
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -1494.323           1.0    681   00:00:39  (  1 restrained)
 2     -1482.996           1.0    681   00:00:39  (  1 restrained)
 3     -1472.827           1.0    681   00:00:39  (  1 restrained)
 4     -1468.707           1.0    681   00:00:39
 5     -1467.984           1.0    681   00:00:39
 6     -1467.968           1.0    681   00:00:39
 7     -1467.967           1.0    681   00:00:39
model.BiV_Sex <- update.asreml(model.BiV_Sex)
ASReml Version 4.2 27/03/2024 00:00:39
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -1467.967           1.0    681   00:00:39
 2     -1467.967           1.0    681   00:00:39
                                                           component std.error
trait:byear!trait_tarsus.1                                 3.2803263 1.5329224
trait:byear!trait_tarsus.2                                 4.7431679 1.8913244
trait:mother!trait_tarsus.1                                1.8751274 2.4240942
trait:mother!trait_tarsus.2                                4.3141262 2.7852550
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait!tarsus.2:!trait!tarsus.1.cor  0.9111864 0.4230261
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.1                      6.5826478 3.6364929
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.2                     12.8988848 8.0388517
units:trait!R                                              1.0000000        NA
units:trait!trait!tarsus.2:!trait!tarsus.1.cor             0.0000000        NA
units:trait!trait_tarsus.1                                14.8727602 3.6375549
units:trait!trait_tarsus.2                                10.7604420 6.2948051
                                                            z.ratio bound %ch
trait:byear!trait_tarsus.1                                2.1399167     U   0
trait:byear!trait_tarsus.2                                2.5078553     U   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus.1                               0.7735373     U   0
trait:mother!trait_tarsus.2                               1.5489160     U   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait!tarsus.2:!trait!tarsus.1.cor 2.1539720     U   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.1                     1.8101638     U   0
trait:vm(animal, ainv)!trait_tarsus.2                     1.6045681     U   0
units:trait!R                                                    NA     F   0
units:trait!trait!tarsus.2:!trait!tarsus.1.cor                   NA     F  NA
units:trait!trait_tarsus.1                                4.0886696     P   0
units:trait!trait_tarsus.2                                1.7094162     P   0
DvsS <- data.frame(
  Trait = rownames(model.BiV_Sex$coefficients$random),
  BLUP = model.BiV_Sex$coefficients$random,
  SE = sqrt(model.BiV_Sex$vcoeff$random * model.BiV_Sex$sigma2)
) %>%
  filter(grepl("vm\\(animal", Trait)) %>%
    ID = substr(Trait, 33, 36),
    TRAIT = substr(Trait, 7, 14)
  ) %>%
    BLUP = "effect"
  ) %>%

tarsus.1 tarsus.2 
    1309     1309 

BLUPS <- reshape(DvsS, v.names = c("BLUP", "SE"), idvar = "ID", timevar = "TRAIT", direction = "wide")
[1] 1309
rownames(BLUPS) <- c()
colnames(BLUPS) <- c("ID", "BLUP.1", "SE.1", "BLUP.2", "SE.2")
      ID                BLUP.1             SE.1           BLUP.2        
 Length:1309        Min.   :-4.2702   Min.   :1.724   Min.   :-6.10276  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:-0.7149   1st Qu.:2.010   1st Qu.:-0.99945  
 Mode  :character   Median : 0.0000   Median :2.127   Median : 0.00000  
                    Mean   : 0.0718   Mean   :2.198   Mean   : 0.09409  
                    3rd Qu.: 0.8386   3rd Qu.:2.421   3rd Qu.: 1.15952  
                    Max.   : 4.9297   Max.   :2.677   Max.   : 7.57246  
 Min.   :2.375  
 1st Qu.:2.679  
 Median :3.051  
 Mean   :3.041  
 3rd Qu.:3.375  
 Max.   :3.732  
se.Y <- BLUPS$SE.1
se.X <- BLUPS$SE.2

plot(X, Y, xlab = "", ylab = "", las = 1.2, bty = "o", col = "white")
arrows(x0 = X, y0 = Y - se.Y, x1 = X, y1 = Y + se.Y, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2), code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0)
arrows(x0 = X - se.X, y0 = Y, x1 = X + se.X, y1 = Y, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2), code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0)
points(X, Y, pch = 1, col = rgb(1, 0, 1, 0.2), cex = 1.5)
points(X, Y, pch = 16, col = rgb(1, 0, 1, 0.2), cex = 1.5)
# abline(v=0,lty=3);abline(h=0,lty=3)
mtext("Male tarsus (BV±SE)", side = 2, line = 2, las = 3)
mtext("Female tarsus (BV±SE)", side = 1, line = 2.2)

The B matrix used the same code but in a multivariate animal model framework. Here some example code, however due to the nature of the dataset, the cross-sex genetic covariance for birth weight is hard to estimate making difficulty to fit this multivariate animal model.

temp <- asreml(cbind(tarsus.1, bwt.1, tarsus.2, bwt.2) ~ trait,
  random = ~ us(trait):vm(animal, ainv) +
    diag(trait):byear + diag(trait):mother,
  residual = ~ units:us(trait),
  data = gryphon, na.action = na.method(y = "include", x = "include"), maxiter = 20,
  start.values = T
G <- temp$vparameters[(1:18), ]
R <- temp$vparameters[-(1:18), ]
G$Constraint <- "U"
R$Value[5:6] <- 0
R$Constraint[5:6] <- "F"
R$Value[8:9] <- 0
R$Constraint[8:9] <- "F"
# model.MultV_Sex<-asreml(cbind(tarsus.1,bwt.1,tarsus.2,bwt.2)~trait,
#          random=~us(trait):vm(animal,ainv)+
#         diag(trait):byear +   diag(trait):mother,
#         residual = ~units:us(trait),
#         data=gryphon,na.action=na.method(y="include",x="include"),maxiter=20,
#     G.param=G,R.param=R)
# model.MultV_Sex<-update.asreml(model.MultV_Sex)
# summary(model.MultV_Sex)$varcomp