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Generates a manageable summary of pedigree-wide statistics reported by ped_stats, either for a single pedigree or for a comparison between pedigrees


# S3 method for class 'ped_stats'
plot(x, lowMem = FALSE, grContrast = FALSE, ...)



An object of class ped_stats generated by ped_stats


If TRUE, then stats based on calculation of A are not performed.


If TRUE, then uglier shades of red and blue are used to denote male and female statistics in graphical reports, but these colours provide better contrast in greyscale.


extra arguments


Returns a table of numbers of records, maternities, paternities, pairwise sibship relationships, numbers of different classes of grand-parental relationships, pedigree depth, number of founders, mean sibship sizes, simple statistics of numbers of inbred and non-inbred individuals, and proportions of pairwise relationship coefficients equal to or greater than several thresholds.