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Some internal pedtricks modules require that pedigrees be specified only by numerical values, or including numerical values for missing data. This function provides the conversion to numeric but also back to factors if needed


convert_ped(type = "numeric", id, sire, dam, missingVal = NA, key = NULL)



define how to convert the pedigree so "numeric" or "factor"


Individual identifiers - pass using as.character()


Sire codes - pass using as.character()


Dam codes - pass using as.character()


the indicator that should be substituted for missing values


A dataframe, as produced by convert_ped, specifying factor codes for numeric values in id, sire, and dam



The factor pedigree in numeric form


A key to facilitate conversion back to the original identifiers


pedigree <-
  "m1",   NA,     NA,
  "m2",   NA,     NA,
  "m3",   NA,     NA,
  "d4",   NA,     NA,
  "d5",   NA,     NA,
  "o6",   "m1",   "d4",
  "o7",   "m1",   "d4",
  "o8",   "m1",   "d4",
  "o9",   "m1",   "d4",
  "o10",  "m2",   "d5",
  "o11",  "m2",   "d5",
  "o12",  "m2",   "d5",
  "o13",  "m2",   "d5",
  "o14",  "m3",   "d5",
  "o15",  "m3",   "d5",
  "o16",  "m3",   "d5",
  "o17",  "m3",   "d5"
), 17, 3, byrow = TRUE))
names(pedigree) <- c("id", "dam", "sire")
for (x in 1:3) pedigree[, x] <- as.factor(pedigree[, x])

## make the test pedigree numeric with NAs denoted by -1
  type = "numeric",
  id = as.character(pedigree[, 1]),
  dam = as.character(pedigree[, 2]),
  sire = as.character(pedigree[, 3]),
  missingVal = -1
#> $numericPedigree
#>    id sire dam
#> 1   3   -1  -1
#> 2   4   -1  -1
#> 3   5   -1  -1
#> 4   1   -1  -1
#> 5   2   -1  -1
#> 6  14    1   3
#> 7  15    1   3
#> 8  16    1   3
#> 9  17    1   3
#> 10  6    2   4
#> 11  7    2   4
#> 12  8    2   4
#> 13  9    2   4
#> 14 10    2   5
#> 15 11    2   5
#> 16 12    2   5
#> 17 13    2   5
#> $idKey
#>    pn   pf
#> 1   3   m1
#> 2   4   m2
#> 3   5   m3
#> 4   1   d4
#> 5   2   d5
#> 6  14   o6
#> 7  15   o7
#> 8  16   o8
#> 9  17   o9
#> 10  6  o10
#> 11  7  o11
#> 12  8  o12
#> 13  9  o13
#> 14 10  o14
#> 15 11  o15
#> 16 12  o16
#> 17 13  o17
#> 18 -1 <NA>